Arugula Salad

Salads when camping seem weird to a lot of people but they are actually really easy if you plan for it! They make for nice light lunches when you aren’t super hungry and also combat a meals calories so you can indulge more in brownies and Monkey Bread.

So my key way of working with any salads during camping are a few key things –

– Bring pre-bagged greens of your choice – PRE WASHED

– Buy produce ahead of time and cut, wash, dry and put in baggies before going

– Use anything and everything you have leftover from previous meals! Veggies, meats, dressings, sides. The key to these salads is to use leftovers when available to take less home

– Make a dressing before the trip that is versatile (lemon vinegerette, ranch). I love my lemon thyme dressing for this reason alone

So given all that, I want to share one of my favorite go to salads with favorite on hand items!

Easy Arugula Cucumber Salad

Ingredients –

  • 2 cups arugula
  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • Sliced Red Onion
  • Shaved Parmesan cheese
  • Roasted Pepitas
  • Lemon Thyme Dressing

Directions –

1) Roast pumpkin seeds before trip. Preheat over to 350 degrees. Put raw pumpkin seeds on cookie sheet. Roast for 8 minutes – mixing half way through

2) Put arugula in a bowl. Add cubed avocado, sliced red onions, sliced cucumbers, toasted pepitas and shaved Parmesan cheese

3) Dress with lemon thyme dressing and toss. Eat alone or serve as a side

Arugula Cucumber Avocado Salad

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